Aloha, crafters. With warmer weather comes Summer Crafts. Adding FBL lights to summer crafts makes for super cool party decor, whether having a couple friends over for a chill patio hang, or a bunch of party animals over for a night swim and dance party. As one enters said party, imagine being greeted by THIS groovy front door wreath: Neat-o, …
LED Craft Adventures! Episode 2: Light Up VELVET ELVIS Presley
Heidi Ho, Neighbors! It’s me, Flashing Blinky Nikki, back for more with tiki decor. You’ll see a lot of tiki love ’round these parts, for chilled out mood lighting IS the foundation of tiki culture, it never went out of style, and holy jeeeeze is it easy to create yourself! Let’s pick up where we left off & check out …