Welcome back, light lovers. Gotta show you these classic ideas for mood lighting on a budget. “Do It Yourself” is the way to go, and DIY Lighting can be quite simple with a couple key ingredients: #1) a decorative piece that acts as a base or a canvas, and that can be a plant, a glass sculpture, a translucent container, nearly anything …
Light Up Craft Adventures Presents: DIY Tiki Party Lights
Greetings, earthlings. ‘Tis I, Flashing Blinky Nikki, here to save the day with a super affordable, extremely cool Light Up Craft. Get’cher glue gun ready, folks! DIY Tiki Party Lights are just the beginning of our light up craft adventures together, so bookmark us & leave a comment or 2 or 10 should you ever want to see a certain …