You don’t have to be a child to enjoy Turkey Crafts. What better way to bond with the kiddos this fall! It’s an adorable tradition: remember tracing your hand as a kid and turning each finger into a colorful feather? Then doodle a face on the thumb, sketch a pilgrim hat on top and proudly displaying that masterpiece on the fridge. Well …
Light Up Craft Adventures Presents: DIY Tiki Party Lights
Greetings, earthlings. ‘Tis I, Flashing Blinky Nikki, here to save the day with a super affordable, extremely cool Light Up Craft. Get’cher glue gun ready, folks! DIY Tiki Party Lights are just the beginning of our light up craft adventures together, so bookmark us & leave a comment or 2 or 10 should you ever want to see a certain …