Turkey Crafts Are Back! LED Turkeys Light Up Thanksgiving

You don’t have to be a child to enjoy Turkey Crafts.  What better way to bond with the kiddos this fall! It’s an adorable tradition:  remember tracing your hand as a kid and turning each finger into a colorful feather?  Then doodle a face on the thumb, sketch a pilgrim hat on top and proudly displaying that masterpiece on the fridge. Well nowadays, things have changed. Turkey crafts get a makeover!


Check out our new & improved feathered friend.  I do declare it thee most fabulous of all Turkey Crafts.  The body glows a fantastical magical color changing light, and the body parts were simple to make with foam glitter paper found at the craft store.  Kids will love to use their turkey crafts as seasonal night lights, plus make extras to use as thoughtful gifts when visiting someone’s home for a Thanksgiving feast.

Here’s what you’ll need, crafty mamas & papas:

  1. An LED orb light globe from FBL (has flattened base, like a desk lamp).
  2. Kid safe scissors if your little one is big enough to help cut.
  3. Craft glue, strong double stick tape, OR hot glue if an adult is 100% in charge.
  4. A pack of glitter paper found at craft stores, OR construction paper, OR white paper your kids can color in themselves like a coloring book!  Options.  Love that.

Click on this image   >>>>>> to see the FULL SIZE printable template for your LED turkey crafts.  Before you print, check that it takes up 1 full page.  That will ensure his lil’ body parts print out the perfect size for our light orb.  Also take note:  the shape used for his feet are also the shape used for his wings, so make 4 of those total.

And there you have it!  Happy crafting, my friends!  Should you need any further tips to perfect your light craft, leave a comment below.  I’m always here to help and answer fast. Plus SUBSCRIBE to the FBL blog so you don’t miss a thing, and stay tuned for more seasonal light crafts!  Oh boy do I have much more in store for you…


~ Flashing Blinky Nikki
